Calculate Actual Home Energy Usage with PV Enphase Energy

Background Information

Unless you have a 3rd party energy monitoring system that can measure your home energy consumption and solar PV production, it is difficult to see how much electricity your home is actually using when you have a solar PV system. This is because your monthly electric bill only shows how much energy was delivered (DEL) to you and how much excess energy may have been received (REC) back by the utility. This is due to the fact that the utility meter can only measure power going in and out in kilowatt hours (kWh). But what about the solar PV energy that was used directly in the home, but not measured by the utility meter?

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To calculate the actual energy usage of your home for a given month, we would also need to include a column that has the total solar PV production for the month. Remember, the utility electric meter can only measure the amount of excess PV power that goes back to the electric grid, not the total amount of PV power generated for the month.

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Run a Solar Production Report

NOTE: Confirm that the PV monitor is connected to the internet and reporting data.

It is a requirement for the PV monitor to be reporting for the purposes of gathering production data from the PV panels. Please visit for assistance on getting your monitor back online.

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Click on the Submit or Run Report button to show solar PV production for the intended date period. The Total production will be at the bottom of the report.

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NOTE: If you are using the MyEnlighten version, then the report window may look a bit different, but it achieves the same results.

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Find the NET Usage on Your Latest Electric Bill

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Add the Results of Step 1 and Step 2 (PV Production + NET utility usage)

Here are the results using the previous examples:

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Now that we have the total kWh usage for the specified period, you can do some further analysis and comparisons to see if your home is using more or less energy than before by comparing this number against the same billing month from a past electric bill prior to installing solar PV

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